Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

 SD Semester Genap Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap Lengkap Kunci Jawaban
Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap bisa anda pelajari sebagai acuan ketika akan menghadapi ulangan akhir semester genap. Soal ulangan ini merujuk pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris kurikulum terbaru, maka kemungkinan soal-soal ini dapat muncul pada saat ulangan akhir semester tahun ajaran 2017/2018 dan bisa anda download.

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap

Soal Ulangan Tengah Kelas (UTS) semester genap ini telah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Kunci jawaban jangan digunakan saat kalian sedang mengerjakan soal-soal ini, namun kerjakan terlebih dahulu soalnya kemudian cocokan dengan kunci jawaban yang sudah anda download tadi. Jadikan kunci jawaban sebagai perbandingan maupun mengasah kemampuan otak kalian. Jika lebih banyak kesalahannya maka hal tersebut merupakan peringatan untuk kalian agar belajar lebih giat lagi.

Dibawah ini adalah 20 latihan soal ulangan bahasa inggris yang dapat kalian jawab dengan cara memberi tanda silang pada abjad a, b, c dan d dengan jawaban yang paling kalian anggap benar :

1. What is eleven multiplied by four? ........
A. Forty one
B. Forty two
C. Forty three
D. Forty four

2. A : “ What is the number before twenty eight?”
B : “ It is number ...“
A. Twenty four
B. Twenty five
C. Twenty six
D. Twenty seven

3. The baby is .... He drinks a bottle of milk.
A. hungry
B. angry
C. thirsty
D. sleeping

4. Rina : ... Fanny?
Andri : She has a headache.
A. What is
B. Are you
C. How is
D. How does

5. A train stops at the ........
A. Bus station
B. Railway station
C. Harbour
D. Airport

6. Mrs. Heni works in a library. He is a. ........
A. lawyer
B. Buyer
C. Architect
D. librarian

7. Mr. At-if drives a bus. He is a........
A. Policeman
B. Driver
C. librarian
D. Dentist

8. My friends are celebrating my birthday. We are........
A. sad
B. angry
C. happy
D. sleepy

9. Ita How tall are you, Reni?
Reni : I am........
A. Fine
B. Ten years old
C. Thirty kilograms
D. 120 centimeters

10. Monik : .. .I borrow your book, please?
Yani : Yes, you may.
A. Can
B. May
C. Could
D. Do

11. Budi ... a new bicycle yesterday.
A. buy
B. bought
C. is buying
D. buying

12. He ... playing football.
A. like
B. likes
C. has like
D. have like

13. What do you call a man who design a house? ........
A. Bricklayer
B. Architect
C. Surgeon
D. Mechanic

14. Mira has long hair but Her friend has ... hair.
A. short
B. curly
C. straight
D. small

15. What is the water transportation? ........
A. Car
B. Pedicab
C. Ship
D. Plane

16. How do you go to school?
A. By car
B. By ship
C. By train
D. By pedicab

17. A: “How ... book do you have?”
B : “ I have ten books.”
A. many
B. much
C. is
D. are

18. Tini : “Do you like playing basket bali?”
Dini: No, ........
A. Ido
B. I don’t
C. I like
D. I didn’t

19. Arrange these jumble word into good sentence! Toothache - has - He - a. ........
A. He a has toothache.
B. He has a toothache.
C. Toothache a has He.
D. Has He a toothache.

20. There ... some eggs.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer! 

21. Tia : “Do you like playing kite?”
Hen : No, ........
22. The teacher work in the........
23. Mr.Indra makes furniture. He is a ........
24. If you have a toothache, you must go to. ........
25. A nurse helps the ... to care patient in the hospital. ........
26. Five plus by ten is . ........
27. Ira has a ... because eat spicy food.
28. Mr. Joni is fat, but Ani is........
29. Tina : Does your mother like cooking?
Fitri : Yes ........
30. How ... pen do you have?

III. Essay! 

Read the text and answer the question!


Sport is favorite subject in my class. We can play game, play football, basketball, running or doing other game In a field. Yesterday our class had an exercise. We run around the yard, then practiced gymnastics. After that we practiced high jump and long jump. By the end on the day, we were very tired.

31. What is the favourite subject in the writer’s class?
32. What is the tittle of the text?
33. When did the students have an exercise?
34. What game can students play in the field?
35. What happened in the end of the day?

Jika kalian ingin download soal ulangan tengah semester (UTS) mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris silahkan menuju link dibawah jika ingin mencetaknya :

DOWNLOAD Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 
Untuk melakukan download soal UTS Bahasa Inggris, sebagai wujud kepedulian pada blog ini silahkan share atau bagikan kepada teman lainnya terlebih dahulu halaman ini. Kalian bisa tetap download walaupun tidak membagikan artikel ini karena tidak unsur paksaan.

Contoh Kunci Jawaban Soal latihan UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap adalah sebagai berikut :

21. Tia : “Do you like playing kite?”
Hen : No, I don’t 

22. The teacher work in the school
23. Mr.Indra makes furniture. He is a Carpenter
24. If you have a toothache, you must go to dentist
25. A nurse helps the Doctor to care patient in the hospital.
26. Five plus by ten is fifteen
27. Ira has a Appendicitis because eat spicy food.
28. Mr. Joni is fat, but Ani is thin

DOWNLOAD Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester Genap

Ikuti terus blog Zona Soal ini agar kalian mendapatkan rangkuman materi pelajaran dan kumpulan contoh soal-soal latihan seperti soal Ulangan Tengah Semester (UTS), soal Ulangan Akhir Semester (UAS), soal  Ulangan Kenaikan Kelas (UKK), Ulangan Bersama atau Ujian Nasional UN untuk SD, MI, SMP, SMA, SMK maupun MTs yang telah disesuaikan dengan kisi-kisi tahun ajaran terbaru.

Demikian materi soal ulangan untuk menghadapi ujian tengah semester (UTS) mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris bagi kalian yang duduk di bangku kelas 5 SD semester genap. Semoga Bermanfaat